

句子魔| 描写类句子

描写燕子的词语 0

The words of the swallow

1, the young swallow wing tip swallow nest swallowtail Yan Yu Yan Yan Jia Yan

2, bird's nest Haiyan swallow egg swiftlet swallow dance Song eagle take the finch

3, Haiyan 翱翔 燕子衔泥 轻歌曼舞 燕 燕子 喃

4, She Yan Qiuhong Fei Yan spread wings Chunyan back to the nest Yan Yu莺啼 East Laoxiyan

5, 唧唧喳喳 莺俦 燕 燕 颔 颔 颔 颔 颔 小 小 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 He silkworm head swallowtail Yanchao dangerous screen Yan thin ring fat Yan language whisper

8, returning to the spring 唧唧啾啾 莺歌燕舞 燕巢幕上燕雀飞飞

9, 燕雀处堂 鼎鱼幕燕燕翼贻谋 虎头燕颔 环肥燕瘦

10, 莺歌舞燕 莺啼燕语莺声燕语 燕穿雀跃 燕语莺歌

11, 燕语莺声 燕莺俦莺俦

Swallow's words explained

1, Yan dance Yangge: swallows are flying, Huang Wei is screaming. Describe the spring is bright. Same as "Yan Dance".

2, Yangge Yan language: Huang Wei sings, swallows whisper. Describe the beautiful scene of spring.

3, Yue Chu Chu B: The same Feihong, some people think that wild ducks, some people think that swallows. The metaphor is subjective and unilateral, and it is unclear about things and judges mistakes.

4, Yan Yan language: 莺: Huang Wei. The words of the swallow, the voice of Huang Wei. Describe the great spring.

5, Yan language humming sound: 莺: Huang Wei. The words of the swallow, the voice of Huang Wei. Originally described as a great spring. After the description of the young woman's voice.

6, Yanchao can be 貉 貉 影 盐 盐 盐 盐 盐 盐 盐 盐 盐 盐 鞔 鞔 鞔 鞔 鞔 鞔 鞔 鞔 鞔Same as "Swallow's Nest in the curtain." Together with the "screen."

7, She Yan Qiuhong: Swallows and geese are migratory birds, but in the same season, the direction of flight is different. The analogy just met and parted.

8, Ding Yu Muyan: Like a fish swimming in the middle of the trip, the swallows nesting on the curtain. A person or thing that is in a very dangerous situation.

9, Yan Yu 莺啼: 莺: Huang Wei. The words of the swallow, the voice of Huang Wei. Describe the great spring.

10. Swallow's Nest in the curtain: The swallow puts the nest on the tabernacle. The metaphor is very dangerous.

11. Yan Dance: 莺: Huang Wei. The swallow is flying, and Huang Wei is screaming. Describe the spring is bright.

12, Lao Yan is flying: Lao: Shrike. Shrike and the swallows fly things. Metaphor for couples and couples.

13, swallows food: the metaphor of the hardship of the child.

14, the old Yan returned to the nest: the former swallow flew back to the old nest. The metaphor is that the wanderer is happy to return home.

15. The swallow's nest: The swallow is in the burning nest. metaphor情况非常危险。








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