1,休闲梦江南梅树日,夜船吹笛箫晓晓。 -黄甫松《江南蓝岚梦》
2,应该知道早秋,所以春天来了。 -贺X《咏早梅》
3,梅岭青音青子,蒲岐青泉白石,怪我老寒。 -崔子志《水调格斗。称号剑阁》
4,中坊独处,风格至小花园。 -林彪《小梅山上的花园·一号》
5,韩梅是最可恶的,去年常用于花卉。 -李商隐《易梅》
7,空自忆,清香不减,风流未知。 -李维《汉宫·春梅》
8,标题为霜霜之路时,预期薛雪会开冷气。 -贺X《咏早梅》
9,无意为春季而奋斗的一群芳芳。 -陆游《卜营子子梅》
10,仙苑返道碧瑶催。 -二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二二刘二“的感觉”关梅》
12,北梅花笛,淮南月桂山字。 -刘禹锡《杨柳枝的九言·一》
13,兔子花园的标准秩序,当震撼最美。 -何He《咏早梅》
14,没人像我,今晚的雪,有李子,像我。 -蒋介石《梅花·靖西雪》
15,院落越来越深,云雾蒙蒙的窗户春早。 -李清照《临江仙·梅》
16,刘冠江上影,梅学薛中之。 -几句话“林江县,外面有空旷的闲暇空间”
17,我家洗池头树,开朵朵朵墨迹。 -王浩《墨梅》
18,风光未觉人,已在梅园后面。 -施庆“《应剥夺黑夜》
19,仍恨东风是毫无意义的,多吹烟雨黄昏。 -张bath赌赌
20,没有雪,没有精神,没有诗。 -陆梅坡《雪梅·第二》
21,傍晚的风雨院落到了开始之初。 -李清照《浣溪沙·髻子伤春慵更梳》
22,我读了梅花花,读了我,在乎。 -黄胜,《南翔子·冬夜》
23,梅花落千千,依然热情,随风而学。 -冯延熙,“鹊枝············································ ·········································································
25,我希望杯子会深一些。 -黄庭坚《虞美人·宜州见梅作》
26,礼物远离虚手,肠伤。 -李商隐《十一月中旬到扶风街见梅花》
27,春风考初梅瑞,Z姿冷沙水。 -赵灵初腥腥味·春风初审梅里
28,已经是黄昏一个人了,风雨多了。 -陆游的“补话”咏梅》
29, gradually drifting away from the hustle and bustle, and lingering like spring water. - Ouyang Xiu, "Tian Sha Xing Houmen Mei Ren"
30, February spring flowers fall off plum. —— 晏 道 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二- Zhou Bangyan "Flower Crimes, Xiaoshi Plum Blossoms"
32, Qi Luting Pavilion, non-time ``香. - Li Shangyin "Seeing plum blossoms in the mid-November to Fufengjie"
33, a sigh of ignorance, where is the plum blossoms. - Wang Zhidao "Like a dream, a sigh of ignorance"
34, a little bit of acid has been on the branch. - Su Shi, "Nanxiangzi, Plum Blossoms and Yang Elements"
35, Frost Birds want to steal the eyes first, the pink butterfly is known to break the soul. - Lin Biao, "Shanyuan Xiaomei · Qiyi"
36, the old song plum sing, Xinzheng Baijiu. - Meng Haoran "Year of the Night Club Music City Zhang Shaofu House"
37, the night wind is fine and late. - Huang Tingjian "虞美人·宜州见梅作"
38, the first wind of the weather, the frozen eye, the willow eye plum, has been feeling the heart of spring. - Li Qingzhao "Lost Love Flower"
39, do not exaggerate the color, only to stay clear and full of energy. - Wang Hao "Mo Mei"
40, dyed Liu Yan thick, blowing plum flute, spring knows a few. - Li Qingzhao, "Yong Yule, the sun of the day"
41, I do not know the tree in the garden, if it is true plum. ——Zhao Wei’s “Happiness and the First”
42, 朔 blowing the night fragrant, frosty and nourishing white. - Liu Zongyuan "Early Plum"
43, Cao Xiu, the spring color, Mei Yan's past makeup. - Li Shimin "Yuan Ri"
44, Tianya also has Jiangnan letter. - Huang Tingjian "虞美人·宜州见梅作"
45, 幽梦冷 with red sleeve flute, 游仙香泛绛河槎. - Cao Xueqin, "The red plum blossoms have the word "flower""
46, overnight Acacia, the water side is shallow and thin. - Chen Liang "point lips, 咏梅月"
47, refers to the cold jade cold, blowing Xiaomei Chunchao. - Qin Guan "such as the dream of the spring landscape"
48, Wanmu frozen desire, lonely roots warm back. - Qi Ji "Early Plum"
49, Luo Meiting Musk, grass pond green. - A few words "Shengchazi · Luo Meiting Muxiang"
50, is a cliff Baizhang ice, still has a beautiful flower. - Mao Zedong "Bu operator Zimei"
51, wind and rain to return to spring, flying snow to spring. - Mao Zedong "Bu operator Zimei"
52, my family wash the pool head tree, all flowers open ink marks. - Wang Hao "Mo Mei"
53, Ming Dynasty Wangxiang, should see Shantou Mei. - Song asked "The title of Datun Lingbei"
54, the singularity does not enter the juvenile. - Lu You "Zhongzhongcuo Mei"
55, Wanshuhan colorless, south branch unique flowers. - Daoyuan "Early Plum"
56, shore Rong La will be Shu Liu, Shan Yi Chong Han want to put Mei. - Du Fu's "Little to"
57, Wendao plum blossoms Xiaoxiaofeng, snow piled up in the four mountains。 -陆游《梅花绝句》
58,桥外桥的边缘,寂寞无主开。 -陆游《卜操子mei》
59,湿云不跨过寒桥。 -朱淑珍《佛曼·梅花》
60,春风摇曳,春日里,歌手为零,无霜无霜。 -宝昭《梅花罗·中庭多杂树》
61,已见梅花发冷,重新响起鸵鸟的声音。 -王维《杂诗三首诗》
62,可怜的江普王,不见洛阳人。 -宋·《冬食·去黄梅临江驿崔蓉》
63,飘如移至山脊,似骚人去湖南。 -刘克庄《罗梅》
64,人们怜惜花如旧,不知人们花稀。 -朱淑珍《佛曼汉眉》
65,睡好觉,不要迟到。 -苏Su《青春游·红梅花》
66,晚安梦,应该是南科。 -李清照《临江仙·梅》
67,梅绪勋雪三分白,雪却失梅一香。 -陆梅坡《雪梅·1》
68,在窗前,汉梅接过花。 -王维“三首杂诗”
69,指示指示指示[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[-[李维“汉宫春梅”
71,下雪月最合适,梅雪都清楚。 -张小祥《卜算子,雪月最合适》
72,读陆有咏梅话,改用它。 -毛泽东《卜经营者子眉》
73,楼上春山四面寒,筋疲力尽,暮景烟深深。 -冯延昭“鹊枝·梅梅梅梅梅》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》)临江驿崔蓉”
82,以飓风为解决方案,极易破坏。 -崔道荣《梅花》
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