1, Meishouxun snow is three points white, but the snow loses a piece of fragrance. - Lu Meipo "Snow Mei·One"
2, the mountain edge of the valley waterside village, was once the flower of the guest. - Zhang bath gambling Mei
3, dance low Yang Liu Lou heart month, singing the end of the peach fan. —— 晏 道 鹧鸪 鹧鸪 鹧鸪 鹧鸪 鹧鸪 鹧鸪 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷 殷- Dong Biwu "Yuandankou Occupy Liu Yazi Huai Ren Yun"
5, 缃 skirt Luo socks peach flower shore, thin shirt light fan Xinghualou. - Cheng Hao, "the highest building, the old heart"
6, mad mad catkins go with the wind, light peach blossoms by water. - Du Fu's "Nine sentences of the quatrains of the nine, the five"
7, the green Yang embankment of the lotus. - Zhongshu "Nan Kezi·Shili Qingshanyuan"
8, but dreams, a chic, dusk oblique water. - Zhou Bangyan "Flower Crimes, Xiaoshi Plum Blossoms"
9, plum powder piles are not sweeping, waiting for the early spring. - Wu Yufeng "Linjiang Xian · guest sleep tired of listening to the deep night rain"
10, mining gold flowers, why by the full sleeves. - Du Fu's "Nine Days to send ginseng"
11, blowing the south branch blowing North Branch. - Liu Kezhuang "Sauvignon Blanc"
12, holding the axe fell far, the lotus spring. - Wang Wei "Spring in the pastoral work"
13, and then fold the fish to wear the fish, to appreciate the plum. - Zhan Yu "Qi Tianle. After sending the children to the heavens and soldiers to return to Hangzhou"
14, I do not know the tree in the garden, if it is true plum. - Zhao Wei, "Happiness and the first"
15, seeking a small meeting in the world, try to put the gold statue of the daisy. - 晏 《 《 破 破 破 破 破 破 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕 燕- Rugao "Chutianyao over the Qingjiang River. Interested in sending spring return"
17, the cloud locks the tender yellow tobacco will be thin, the wind blows the red tidy snow plum. ——Selected “Eight Beats, Clouds, Locks, Yellow and Yellow Willows”
18, deserts and clouds live on the river. - Liu Zhen "Yu Louchun · Dongshan explores the plum"
19, refers to the cold jade cold, blowing Xiaomei Chunchao. - Qin Guan "such as the dream of the spring scene"
20, planted into the five willows to return, wine glasses with chrysanthemum. - Wang Zun "Peng Ze"
21, there are countless peach blossoms on the stream, and there are jaundice on the flowers. - Huang Tingjian "water tune songs · tour"
22, expected to hometown Tao Li, should also complain about the hurricane. - Zhao Chong, "Qing Ping Le Huai Ren"
23, Haishu what happened to destroy P? Today's flowers are at the bottom? It should be the test of the increase in the life of the North Hall. - Gaochun "Take the sea and flowers and demon poems"
24, the waves are interested in thousands of miles of snow, peach blossoms without a word of spring. - Li Wei, "Fishing Father, Waves, Interesting Thousands of Snows"
25, poetry is also lacking, the wine is also lacking, the spring breeze is cold, and plum blossoms are smashed. - Wang Shuo, "Golden Palace, Yuan Zhen"
26, drunk and remnant plum one or two branches, may wish to have a peach and plum. - Lu You "Luo Mei"
27,稀李子,回头看看江南路。 -吕维老《选冠,雨花房湿》
28,邻歌散,罗衣印粉,袖湿桃红露。 -吴文英《雍玉乐·梅时侦探韵》
29,冰雪在体内,桃李混合着不同的李子。 -王浩《白梅花》
30,一树桃花开,独自一笑。 -张惠言《风的情人,见桃花开》
31,荷花池过雨,明朝是秋声。 -项鸿钧《清平乐·赤上那申》
32,桃溪并不安逸。 -周邦彦《玉楼屯·桃溪不安逸》
33,海风吹拂薄骨,单身衣服冷,四月出韶关。 -张惠言《风的情人,见桃花开》
34,马船山小径,头黄,信马漫漫。 -王维《乡村线,马船山径,菊花楚》
35,吴继岳严楚王禹,为莲花船打湿衣服。 -王昌龄《两莲子》
36,东风吹起沙尘,梦见西湖的士回家。 -刘吟《关眉之情》
37,当李子要黄时,必须做成,便宜又细雨。 -曹group《蓦山溪·梅》
38,梅丁,菊花应should愧。 -李清照《鹧鸪天·桂花》
39,匝道亭亭艳,非时间的“香。 -李商隐《十一月中旬到扶风街见梅花》
40,树枝上已经有一点酸了。 -苏Shi《南翔子,梅花与杨素》
41,但从东风笑了,后来熏了染了梅花的柳树,却没有太多的休闲。 -辛弃疾《汉功·李春日》
42,当人们在湖南徘徊而倒下。 -江淹《小中山岭·复旦红梅》
43,长笛梅花盛开,刀开明月。 -李白《从军来》
44,桃李灵鹦鹉舌,可谓美好时光。 -而宁·“河里有小孩子,那是断瓜的时代”
45,幽梦与红袖长笛,喻仙香河无处不在槎。 -曹雪芹《红梅花有词“花”》
46,记得找芳酒,莹莹淡妆晚。 -王一孙《发曲先贤贤·居经亭明治草窗韵》
47,绿色的池中充满红色,但荷叶仍开着最小的钱。 -杨万里《秋夜凉步》
48,上衣春风已考,桃花飞野梅酸。 -吴涛《 Quatrains·有子骏衬衫已经过考验》
49,王正禄迷,难以完成。 -陆稀,紫子,梅“
53悠闲地看南山。 -陶渊明《饮酒五论》
54,梅花成千上万片,至今还是热情洋溢,随风学雪。 -冯延熙,“鹊枝············································ ········欧阳修:“西湖采摘桑树种子和荷花后很好”
56,宫殿粉雕痕迹,仙女云,无人的野生水域。 -吴文英《高阳台·梅花落》
57,爬莲花弄珠,涟漪不圆。 -李白《有礼物》
58.不管杨洋竹的眼泪,声音的粉碎都是数千公顷。 -王甫之《清平乐·于羽》
59,香气谁知,请问南楼月。 -鲁本忠《踏行,雪似梅花》
60,素玉只及月,绿女不在乎。 -李商隐《十一月中旬到扶风街见梅花》
61,长笛苦听,斜枝看病。 -崔道荣《梅花集》
62,回望孤山路霜霜鸟蝶。 -冉《罗梅》
63,莫问调侃心灵,并长笛。 -朱“《脸红·梅花的盆栽》
64,东风某军舰借来的,梦到了神州的故乡。 -吴文英,《金曲伴翟斋先生,见波澜》
65,何芳可化作千亿,一棵梅花。 -陆游《梅花绝句》
66,玉涛偷可惜,晋武修成阿娇。 -李商隐《茂林》
67,一夜阴雨连绵的梦,万荷耶送秋。 -陈文枢《夏杂诗集》
68,莲花低语,杀船。 -李白《渌水曲》
70,海贤当年调查房聪。 -苏Shi《西江悦梅花》
71,草色绿柳黄,桃花乱李花香。 -贾家要《春思·初二》
72,最好归来,于元有个人记忆。 -辛弃疾《念女娇媚》
73,Qian者拾起,送情人桃叶。 -周邦彦《音乐三部曲,商业调音学》
74,陶行风香帘,谢氏花冠之门,画梁玉岩盐初。 -孙广宪《浣溪沙·桃杏风香帘幕闲》
75,肠子之乡破,昼夜柳条新。 -宋之文《冬食去黄梅临江驿崔蓉途中》
76,月光飞入森林前屋。 -孙道钧,《滴金·梅》
77,郑虎月云轻,嫩冰稀薄。 -辛弃疾《瑞和县·赋梅》
78,燕头将去春,几屏黄梅雨。 -司马“金色缕妾钱钱钱钱钱钱钱钱钱钱钱钱钱钱钱钱[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ [[[[[[[[[-[李伟“ Han Gong Chun Mei”
80,更多的红色和新鲜和寒冷,不圆,樱桃。-郑铮的Jiang hong·SI加"
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