

句子魔| 名人名言



Film art is based on editing.


I left footprints for posterity to pursue.


I am not interested in the development of plots and the series of events. I think my movies are more than one without plots.


We can never predict the outcome of a movie. Each film has a narrow door. We can only decide whether we should go in with our own judgement.


I am old now. The older people think, the deeper they think. I can't grasp the things on the water. I think under the water.


My life experience tells me that abnormal class relations and unsympathetic relationships between people are reality.


Every time a character is played, the actor must live in this role.


Shadow play, if it can be used to describe the suffering of the people, can at least promote the self-policing of the society and let the society think about how to improve itself.


I'm not afraid of death. I just want to be here.


In order to defend Korean movies, we can even die.


Let a person be in a changeable environment, let him miss countless or far or near people, let him have a relationship with the whole world: this is the meaning of the film.


When you are thirteen years old, you think you are very important to the world, and the world is just ready to forgive your childishness.


There is a kind of film that requires a long time to accumulate, and there is a need for lightning inspiration.


Hollywood is dominated by fear and financial addiction. But that will not dominate me, because I am fearless and not greedy for money.


I am an independent producer director. People always say that my movies are like Hollywood movies, or Hollywood movies. But Hollywood has to plagiarize me. What can I do?


Dreams should be rooted in reality.


A screenwriter and director is not only a casual film of a story, but at least he should be a writer, a writer with a unique style, correct understanding and all for the public.


A movie is a play and can not be made into an accidental event.


The best movie is for the deaf and the dumb. The human chatter and the flood of words are drowning. Only by watching ballet can we discover pure beauty and pure posture, which is what my film is trying to show.


I prefer movies that let audiences fall asleep in the cinema. I think these movies are so thoughtful that you can take a good nap, and when you leave the cinema, they don't bother you. There were movies that made me fall asleep in the cinema, but the same movie kept me awake all night, thinking about it until dawn, even for a few weeks. This is my favorite movie.


The essence of acting is to treat life as an experiment, exploring the strange and joyful life between the curtain and the curtain.


When fantasy turns to love, intuition does not always follow.


Don't give me a wink. The performance is not so complicated.


The whole of life,the whole of its action, is a natural and vivid film.


One of the phenomena of old age is that memories of childhood will appear more and more clearly, while the events of adulthood are blurred and disappear.


We don't reveal our true thoughts everywhere. We only reveal what we want to be believed to be true.


To better understand the tendency of a film, it is better to understand how the film expresses its tendency first.


I do not think it will last forever.


I have repeatedly said that if I make a film as a filmmaker, the audience should see 100 of their own movies from this film, and every audience can see his own movies, which is what I strive to achieve.


The bomb must not explode, and the bomb will not explode, and the audience will always be uneasy.


I want to build a house with my movie. Some make cellars, others make walls, others make windows. However, I hope that in the end it will become a house.


I am me. If I have to head against the wall to be true to myself, I will.


I have all the shortcomings of Chinese directors, such as dramatic, I love dramatic, I grew up reading reviews and chapters of fiction, but I know that it is a defect, we simplify the reality, entertainment, legendary.


If China is good, the homemade films will be good.


My films are never meant to be realistic. They are mirrors, fragments of reality, almost like dreams.


Actors are also humanbeings, no difference from others. Writers, painters or musicians can hide in corners to lick their wounds, but actors have to stand in front of the public to endure the pain.


No matter what subject I have adopted, I am talking about religious themes. But their salvation happened on the street, not in the church.


I have been keeping a synchronized record of the process of national evolution, and I live in an era of change, which requires a director to be sensitive and synchronized to judge. I believe my work will become a landmark building in China.


When true and false, it is obvious that false and false prevent us from believing in truth. An actor, on the deck of a real ship hit by a real storm, pretends to be afraid of sinking. We will not believe the actor, nor the ship and the storm.


Stupidity is infinitely more charming and infinitely profound than wisdom. Wisdom is finite, but stupidity is not.


Dreams begin with scripts and end in films.



有关目标的名言 有关目标的名言

1.目标是雄心勃勃,在达到目标之前永不放弃。 2]如果你有目的,你什么都做不了。 3,一个崇高的目标,只要它毫无畏惧地追求,它就会成为一种壮举。 4,一致的目标不足以让生活幸福

明确目标的名言 明确目标的名言

1,时间就像一辆动物汽车,它的速度取决于我们手中的鞭子。 2.无节奏的努力就像黑暗中的探险。 3,人们只需要不达到目标,就不会得到自己。 4。生活就像骑自行车。如果你想保持平衡

名言警句热爱祖国 名言警句热爱祖国

1.突然闻到古曲,然后回到毛巾上。 2,张思芬并不关心身体,而是全国的紧迫感。 3,为祖国而死,那是最美丽的命运! 4,长期和太多的兴趣掩盖,为人民的艰辛而悲伤。 5

描写友谊的名言名句 描写友谊的名言名句

1,世界上快乐的事情,莫若有,快速朋友的事,谈谈吧。 - 蒲松龄 2,人们互相认识,你们彼此了解,人们互相认识,你们是亲密的。 - 孟子 3,学会爱,学会懂爱,学会做一个快乐的人

关于人生意义的名言 关于人生意义的名言

1.所谓的生活在不断变化。它是生命的弱化和灵魂生命的强大扩张。 2,可以在生活的道路上做出三点,即可以广泛,宽广,消除一切困难,并缓解一切纠葛。 3,自尊和自我控制

勤奋学习的名言警句 勤奋学习的名言警句

1,不要说你今天不学习,不要说你今年不会学习。 2.懒惰等同于埋葬一个人。 3,时间就像一个规模,这对每个人都是公平的。 4,好问题好,自用小。 5,不太强壮而且不努力

关于读书的现代名言 关于读书的现代名言

1,只有书籍是不朽的。 - 乔特 2,生活勤奋,不要求它。 - 张衡 3,敏感而渴望学习,不要羞于问。 - 孔子 4,为中国的崛起而学习。 - 周恩来 5,这本书是人类进步的阶梯

佛家经典名言 佛家经典名言

1,菩提没有树木,明朝不是台湾。什么都没有,而且尘土飞扬。 2,思考紧迫感,感觉没有,长时间接受,自然的心。 3。同情是与世界的爱。一个是意识,另一个是混乱。 4,别人伤害你