1, a rainy noise, floating Xiao Song Guiqiu. - Du Mu "title Yangzhou Zenzhi Temple"
2, infinite branches of good color, poor opening is not for the yang. - Qiu Yu "咏菊"
3, Qiuju has a good color, `露掇其英. - Tao Yuanming, "Drinking, its four"
4, 槛 愁 愁 愁 泣 泣 泣 泣 泣. - 晏 《 "Butterfly Love Flower, 槛 愁 愁 兰 泣 泣 》 》 》 》 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ - 晏 《 "Butterfly Flower, 槛 愁 愁 兰 泣 泣 》 》 》 》 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ - Xin Qiji "鹧鸪天·Goose Lake to the disease"
7, the mountains and waters know where to go. - 晏 《 "Butterfly Love Flower, 槛 愁 愁 兰 泣 》 》 》 》 》 》 》 》 》 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ - Liu Che "Autumn Winds"
9, the Yellow River water around the Han Palace wall, a few lines of autumn wind geese on the river. - Li Mengyang "Autumn Hope"
10, meet the autumn months, more worthy of the night. - Wang Ji "Autumn Night Xiyu Wang Shishi"
11, leisure Yuntan shadow day long, things change the stars to move a few degrees of autumn. - Wang Bo "Teng Wang Ge poem"
12, Nanling water surface is long, the wind is tight and the cloud is light to change autumn. - Du Mu "Southern Lingdao"
13, the frost is the heart of the blood, sprinkled to Qianfeng Akiha. ——戚继光《望阙台》
14, hateful good days are not with. - A few words "Butterfly Flower · Xiaoyan Qiu Liansheng Green Pu"
15, who read the North Upstairs, Lin Feng Huai Gong. ——Li Bai, “Qiu Deng Xuancheng Xie X North Building”
16, according to the shadows to make up the words. - A few words "Butterfly Flower, Xiaoyan Qiuliansheng Green Pu"
17, Jinting Qiuyue Night, who cried out of the group. - Wang Bo "Jiangting Night Moon Farewell Two"
18, Dongfeng night is cold in autumn. - Wu Wenying "浣溪沙·门隔花深梦老游"
19, once accompanied by the clouds to the late Cui, still accompanying the sunset. - Gao Song "Jinling Evening Hope"
20, when I see the villagers, the sand line crossed the head. - Meng Haoran "Qiu Deng Lanshan sent Zhang five"
21, light muscle weak bones scattered quiet, and more will be Jinrui. - Su Shi "Zhao Chang Hanju"
22, the residual cloud to Taihua, drizzle over the middle. - Xu Wei, "After the autumn, go to the 潼 潼 》 》"
23, Jingluo is a generation of people. - Jiang Yan, "鹧鸪天·酉酉之秋苕溪记"
24, Furong is not as beautiful as the makeup, the water hall comes to the Pearl Cuixiang. - Wang Changling "Xigong Autumn Resentment"
25, Lin Shanxiang late, Tianhai Kongqing Cang. - Liu Yxu "Qi Qiu Yang Zijiang sent Meng Haoran"
26, early is his hometown value early autumn, Jiang Tingming month with the river. - Wang Bo "Qiu Jiang farewell two"
27, Danyang Guoli sent a boat, do not know the two autumn. - Yan Wei "Danyang sent Wei to join the army"
28, deserted paddy field flying egret, Yin Yin Xia Muqi Huang Qi. ——Wang Wei, “The Rain”
29,愁和西风要约好,每年去轻骑。 -史达祖《临江县·闺思》
30,知道身体恋爱了,看着江头河的声音。 -李商隐《曲秋柳曲有江》
31,山雨苑,月光波长,韵云秋影潇湘。 -蔡颂年“鹧鸪天·赏荷”
32,几十年,是中秋节的十倍。 -范承达《水声歌手,几十年》
33,病态的翅膀,秋天,干燥的形状,消失了几度。 -王一孙《齐天乐·蝉》
34,坐在桑wine酒上,来到**店。 -杜甫《第九届杨风仙会白水翠明楼》
35,野庙人少,云峰水深。 -刘长青《武功台庙的秋日》
36,崇拜华星的吊坠,讲述月亮的浮躁。 -温天祥《回Dong举中秋节请宴》
37,对结不满意的人,转向相思树。 -夏万珍《卜算子,秋色要空的空间》
38,秋天的绿河里闻到了笛子,红袖楼夜倚在酒吧。 -曹雪芹《向灵皓月·第三》
39,从西边秋色,天空是满的。 -岑参《与高氏学照照慈恩寺的圣殿图》
40,is教者要喝酒,酒不醒,愁已归。 -秦关《满庭芳·碧水惊秋》
42,秋寒而刀,一团酸风怒。 -陈维钧,《南翔子·星州路》,
43,白云影水动荡着空城,白鹿投下了秋月。 -李白《金陵城西楼下个月》
44,秋雨,鹤壁,山色映衬晴空。 -方岳《水调头·坪山堂与东坡韵》
45,扁船在哪里?家在江南黄ye村。 -苏Shi《书李士男的秋日风光》
46,胭脂洗去秋天舞台上的影子,吸引冰雪。 -曹雪芹《薛宝珍白海珍》
47,回到一楼去懒,初月初,挂梧桐。 -陈云平《唐多陵·秋仪的感受》
48,一浪的春天要留在春天,不是最合适的秋天。 -李维《眼中的横滨,一寸留春》
49,想拉天河,洗一洗中原霜。 -张元干《史州慢·酉秋·吴兴·周仲左秋》
50,南南鞭一鞭,篙关都几,,黎有歌而青。 -施大足《秋雨归八河》
51,阜阳古道Fu陵大桥,史兴,邱高。 -万言q《朝中错。阜阳古道Fu陵桥》
52,桑羽外荡千金,蹲乌鸦插花枝。 -陆昊《蟾宫曲·寒食新野道中》
53,在世界上寻求一个小规模的聚会,试图把金尊求。 -晏《燕子欲归燕》
54,想找彭则载,陶然杯子。 -崔微,“ 9日,我希望仙台由刘明复赠与”
55,眼泪的残留物飞过尘土,王旺又有了一年。 -陆游《秋夜过后便会知道迎着寒冷的门》
56,秋阴不散霜霜飞晚,留干听雨。 -李商隐《苏罗的亭阁,翠微翠微》
57,三千年的残骸,无话可依赖秋树。 -吴文英《齐天乐与冯神举等》
58,那时的春天梦很多,像秋天的云一样散落无辜。 -晏殊《白玉兰·颜洪归国》
59,三万里河东入海,五千里空。 -陆游《秋夜后会见门迎寒》
60,情况指中秋节,很好的一个月,不照人。 -辛弃疾《木兰慢·赣州送范》
61,秦风俗依旧不平坦,韩刀会怎样?范宜市学徒,小鹤刀笔。 -李Mi,《淮阳感悟之秋》
62,难,难,难!人们变得与众不同,这不是昨天,生病的灵魂似乎经常在摇摆。 -唐·延安《汕头风世界观》
63,开始看风光,共待,画一船微风拂面。 -王朔《平湖乐·蔡凌人语跨过秋烟》
64,秋天一巴掌,有点香蕉烦,三个多梦之后三个。 -徐再思《水上仙女,夜雨》
65,多取,胡床南楼,见玉待人间,素秋为千。 -晁之“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“” “”“”“”“”“”“”“”-“张扬豪”水仙子·咏江南“
67,浓雾知秋天的早晨空气,薄薄的云层遮盖了白天和下午的凉爽,不需要飞来遮盖盔甲。 -范承达“浣溪沙·江村道中”
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