

句子魔| 名人名言

罗丹英文名言 0


Beauty is everywhere, for our eyes, not the lack of beauty, but the lack of discovery.


In order to play their role in life, love life!


True youth, a chaste young youth, the whole body is full of fresh blood, lithe body and the inviolability of the youth, this period only for a few months.


As long as you gain experience from it, doing nothing is a waste of time.


There are many shortcomings in the world, but it is still good.


Life is endless enjoyment, eternal happiness, strong intoxicated.


What makes some people out of the ordinary? Work, and enough patience.


For the noble people, Chong Yang is a kind of wine.


In modern society, the artist, the real artist, can be said to be the only person who can be happy to do his job.


Carving does not require original creation, but it must be life.


Work is the value of life, the joy of life, and the place where happiness is.


Be patient! Don't rely on inspiration. Inspiration does not exist. The fine quality of an artist is nothing more than wisdom, concentration, sincerity, and will. Complete your work as an honest worker.


I can insist on our contribution again and again, it is because only this view can have the power to win the sympathy of the people in the world.


I think the word "artist" is the most widely used of the word, it refers to those who are happy with what they do. So I hope there are many artists in allprofessions.


The art of carving is concave and convex, and not smooth finish shape.


The so-called master, is such a person: they use their own eyes to see what others have seen, in other people's common thing to be able to find out the United states. Poor artists always wear other people's glasses.


For the noble, honor is a kind of wine.


Art is a product of loneliness, because loneliness can enrich people's feelings more than happiness.


Jealous is the feelings of the catalyst.


The biggest disadvantage of modern people, is the lack of love for their career.


In the eyes of the art, everything is beautiful, because his sharp eye gaze to all sentient beings of all core; ifwe can find the character is penetration shape touch the inner. This is true, that is beautiful.


The so-called master, is such a person, they use their own eyes to see what others have seen, in the common things of others, can be found in the United States to.


Life is not without beauty, but the lack of the United States to find the eyes.


Genius? There is absolutely no such thing, and there is only a hard work, a method and a constant plan.


The fountain of life is in the heart of the spring, the flower of life, is open from the inside out. Similarly, in the beautiful carving, often lurking a strong heart fibrillation. This is the secret of the ancient art.


The most important is the feelings of love and hate, hope, chant, life. Tobe an artist, start with people.


If the work is not the cost of life, but the purpose of human life, human beings will be how happy.


A true artist is always at risk to push down all existing prejudices, and to show what he thinks. So he taught fellow to be very frank.


The virtue of art is wisdom, concentration, sincerity, will.


You must be true, young men; but that is not to say, to be precise. There is a low level of accuracy, that is, the precision of the camera and the model. With the inner truth, there is art. I want you to use all the shapes and colors to express the emotion.


Any sudden inspiration in fact can not replace the long-term effort.


Poor and lazy is really poor, cheap and without a record is really cheap.


The source of art lies in the inner truth, your form, your color, and the emotions you want to convey.


The so-called master, is such a person, they use their own eyes to see what others have seen, in other people's common things can be found in the United States.


The activities of the world, although many shortcomings, but is still a good.



罗丹的格言 罗丹的格言

1.为了努力工作,在生活中发挥作用,热爱生活! 2.现代人的最大缺点是缺乏对职业的热爱。 3.艺术是寂寞的产物,因为寂寞比幸福更能丰富人们的情感。 4.艺术的来源在于内在的真理,你的形状和你的肤色

罗丹的名言 罗丹的名言

1.如果工作不是人类的代价,而是目标,人类将多么幸福。 2.艺术家的美德仅仅是智慧,专注,真诚和意志。 3.工作是生命的价值,生活的快乐也是幸福的所在

罗丹说过的名言 罗丹说过的名言

1.最重要的是感觉,爱与恨,希望,颂歌,生活。要成为一名艺术家,您必须首先从人开始。 2.艺术家的美德仅仅是智慧,专注,真诚和意志。 3.生活是无尽的享受,永恒的幸福和强烈的陶醉。 4.工作是人生的价值,人生的快乐

罗丹的名言大全 罗丹的名言大全

1.变得贫穷和懒惰真的很贫穷,而变得便宜而又不愿意实际上就是便宜。 2.雕塑不必是原始的,但必须是生命。 3.荣誉是贵族的一种酒。 4.尽管世界活动中有许多缺点,但它们仍然很美。 5.艺术家的美德仅仅是智慧,专注,真诚和意志

罗丹名言 罗丹名言

奥古斯特·罗丹(Auguste Rodin):19世纪和20世纪初最伟大的写实画家,被认为是雕塑史上最伟大的肖像雕塑家。这位雕刻家最合理的说法是什么? 1.所谓的主人就是人:他们用自己的眼睛看别人看到的东西

关于罗丹的名言 关于罗丹的名言

1.任何鼓舞人心的灵感都无法真正替代长期的努力。 2.如果工作不是人生的代价,而是人生的目的,那么人类将多么幸福。 3.世界并不缺乏美,而是缺乏发现。 4,艺术的来源在于内在的真理

名人志士的名言警句 名人志士的名言警句

1。贫穷和懒惰真的很贫穷,不甘心是真的。 -罗丹 2,人与家禽不同,只有野心! -王夫之 3,画家必须画龙中的云,人必须是人。 -秋瑾 4,当机会不来时,迅速安装门

有关目标的名言 有关目标的名言

1.目标是雄心勃勃,在达到目标之前永不放弃。 2]如果你有目的,你什么都做不了。 3,一个崇高的目标,只要它毫无畏惧地追求,它就会成为一种壮举。 4,一致的目标不足以让生活幸福

明确目标的名言 明确目标的名言

1,时间就像一辆动物汽车,它的速度取决于我们手中的鞭子。 2.无节奏的努力就像黑暗中的探险。 3,人们只需要不达到目标,就不会得到自己。 4。生活就像骑自行车。如果你想保持平衡

名言警句热爱祖国 名言警句热爱祖国

1.突然闻到古曲,然后回到毛巾上。 2,张思芬并不关心身体,而是全国的紧迫感。 3,为祖国而死,那是最美丽的命运! 4,长期和太多的兴趣掩盖,为人民的艰辛而悲伤。 5

描写友谊的名言名句 描写友谊的名言名句

1,世界上快乐的事情,莫若有,快速朋友的事,谈谈吧。 - 蒲松龄 2,人们互相认识,你们彼此了解,人们互相认识,你们是亲密的。 - 孟子 3,学会爱,学会懂爱,学会做一个快乐的人

关于人生意义的名言 关于人生意义的名言

1.所谓的生活在不断变化。它是生命的弱化和灵魂生命的强大扩张。 2,可以在生活的道路上做出三点,即可以广泛,宽广,消除一切困难,并缓解一切纠葛。 3,自尊和自我控制

勤奋学习的名言警句 勤奋学习的名言警句

1,不要说你今天不学习,不要说你今年不会学习。 2.懒惰等同于埋葬一个人。 3,时间就像一个规模,这对每个人都是公平的。 4,好问题好,自用小。 5,不太强壮而且不努力

关于读书的现代名言 关于读书的现代名言

1,只有书籍是不朽的。 - 乔特 2,生活勤奋,不要求它。 - 张衡 3,敏感而渴望学习,不要羞于问。 - 孔子 4,为中国的崛起而学习。 - 周恩来 5,这本书是人类进步的阶梯

佛家经典名言 佛家经典名言

1,菩提没有树木,明朝不是台湾。什么都没有,而且尘土飞扬。 2,思考紧迫感,感觉没有,长时间接受,自然的心。 3。同情是与世界的爱。一个是意识,另一个是混乱。 4,别人伤害你