1, Shen worry can hurt people, green sputum into frost. - Li Bai "sorrowful songs"
2, empty holding Luo, back to hate Yiyi. - Li Wei "Lin Jiang Xian"
3, always media, who wants to appeal to the pastime. - Su Shi "Butterfly Love Flower, Butterfly Lazy Spring Half"
4, Xiaojing but Yunyun tampering, night owl should feel the moonlight cold. - Li Shangyin "Untitled and difficult to meet when it is difficult to meet"
5, Fu Yu Chao Han Hao is invincible, that can still be apricot flower line. - Nalan Xingde "浣溪沙·伏雨朝寒愁不胜"
6, Linyi 愁 see the conquest. - Xia Wei "鹧鸪天·镇日无心扫眉眉"
7, how many tears are limited to hate, rely on the column to do. - Li Z "spreading the creek sand 菡萏 菡萏 销 销 销 》 》 》 》 》 》 》 》 》 》 》 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ - 晏 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 浣 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一- Li Qingzhao, "Xiangxiangzi, Tianqiuqiuguang"
10, 惆怅 鸳 鸳 , , 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽- Wu Wenying "Wind into the pine"
11, the world is thin, people are evil, the rain is easy to fall at dusk. - Tang Yan "Shantou Feng · Worldly Thin"
12, Xiaoxuan window, is dressing. Regardless of words, only tears are a thousand lines. - Su Shi "Jiangchengzi"
13, but the dream, a chic, dusk oblique water. - Zhou Bangyan "Flower Crimes, Xiaoshi Plum Blossoms"
14, a song when tears, re-enclosure. - Yan Shu "Shanting Liu · singer"
15, see the green pool, tears and spots. - Zhang Huiyan "Mulan slow"
16, and the sheep car too, the moon is falling at dusk. - Huang Sheng "Qing Ping Le · Palace Resentment"
17, a little bit of tears. - Huang Gongshao "Sapphire case, the annual social sewing needle line"
18, the shadow of the horizontal oblique water shallow, dark fragrance floating moon dusk. - Lin Biao "Shanyuan Xiaomei · Qi Yi"
19, paper gray fly as a white butterfly, tears blood stained into red azalea. - Gao Song, "The Qingming Day on the Wine"
20, Jiang Yan Zhu Su Nuwa, Li with Chinese impeachment. - Li He "Li Lixuan cited"
21, full of flying flowers, tens of thousands of points, looking back for thousands of miles, the wine is vomiting. - Ge Changgeng "Water Tune Head · Jiang Shang Chun Shan Yuan"
22, the evening is good for the river, and the murder is clear. - Song asked "Zhou An Qiu Ri"
23, when the long remembered Yi Yi, and tears went out to send. - Li Cunxin "such as the dream of the banquet Taoyuan deep hole"
24, after the long sea bream opened, is hurting the spring season. - Li Qingzhao, "Good things are near, the wind is set, the flowers are deep"
25, only to send spring return, and send the king back. If you go to Jiangnan to catch up with the spring, stay in the spring. - Wang Guan "Bu operator"
26, the competition is coming, but the day is long. - He Zhu "difficult to travel, bind the tiger hand"
27, the month to go to the curtain only a few feet, black stunned fly, a sad white. - Song Yi, "Butterfly Love Flower, Traveling in the Moon"人”
36,想对刘华共低怨,怕刘华轻薄,难道没有解决春天。 -黄小麦,“向春晚,清明附近”
37,中年亲戚朋友很难做,丝竹慢慢地飘走了。 -苏“《水调头·东海安氏》
38,无言,悠然秦正,满眼大雁。 -陆维的《北星,青楼春晚》
39,但捣烂了桂妍,悲凉的梁辅,泪如雨下。 -朱敦如“水龙吟放放千”》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》-李玮,见欢》 [
] 46,寂静的气味,线见云。-李白“求高峰石门山中原丹丘”
] 51,阴影的形状突然消失,伤了我的心。-曹植《六首诗》一首杂诗”
52,前座的寂寞,只有天涯海角。 -李清照《转文亭坊·芳草池》
53,愁无限,瘦,你知道吗?我教玉笼鹦鹉看这首诗。 -纳兰·兴德,“见欢欢,落花,梦,迷”
54,嫩绿如罗裙,狂喜。春心疲惫成王孙。盛开着东风,颜色是黄昏。 -屈大钧《郎桃沙》
55,灌河无限清澈,难以忍受。 -岳麓《北谷亭附近的朱应泰》
56,厌倦了京罗尘埃,没人问过晚上的病情。 -晁端礼“水龙吟·咏月”
57,哪里有红色的尘土飞扬的宝马汽车?我不想送黄昏的古代木寒鸦。 -王朔《黄金宫,元贞》
58,回国见少女,零泪动荡。 -魏英武《送杨的女》
59,麦浪转晴而刮风的杨柳,已在春天受伤。 -纳兰·兴德《四合巷·麦郎风转柳》
60,是他的弹簧带,这里就是春天。 -辛弃疾《朱应大春末》
61,去年,米桂军军粮,今年米糠受伤。 -杜甫“年度之年”
62,令人窒息和宣誓。 -李清照《虞楼春,红酥,肯,琼,暗恋》
63,彭门不认识罗罗祥,建议照顾媒体利益。 -秦玉雨《可怜的女人》
64岁,谁会鞭打飞舞,回想起鲜血,风雨的声音。 -辛弃疾《水曲·周扬州人与周韵》
65,渤海顾客流泪,漳台人去骨香。 -宋·“仪《落花记》
66,乘河桥醉客,青光玉溪。 -高广国《佛曼,为什么你要赶着吹乌云》
67,不过现在下雨了,蜜蜂,蝴蝶讨厌,小窗闲到香蕉展。 -吕伟的“博兴·青楼春晚”
68,人际交往,很少完成。 -吴维业《新郎》
69,低花树映衬在小化妆台上,春季入眉两分。 -白居易《春话集》
70,郑江陵讨厌,不相信end赋。 -刘辰翁《兰陵王·冰子送春》
71,前一天的花朵经常生病,何况镜子在脸上。 -冯延珍《鹊踏枝》
72,醉在路中间,不记得了,黄昏回到月球。 -辛弃疾《临江县·探梅》
74,牟罗山是一片大天空,送飞鸿,北来伤了很久。 -每日复古,“新郎和新郎,送奉正州”
75,酒入肠,化为爱的眼泪。 -范仲淹《苏幕布怀旧》
76,长江巨浪征泪,一夜西风共白。 -宋·《风之河上》
77,无锦],谁是金鞭。 -李贺《马氏二十三初一》
78,白发书Sheng州流泪,越凉越不落牛山。 -刘克庄《你好,9日》
79,晚饭后回到黄昏,不要脱衣服撒谎。 -陆燕《牧童》
80,不能写书,只能寄出很多爱意。 -张炎《解》
81,孤独而厚重,没有好梦,夜莺仍在割灯。 -李清照《蝴蝶花,暖雨,清风,初破冰冻》
82,晨梦的第一天,春天将揭开窗帘。 -周瑾单击嘴唇,然后访问“牟牟牟王朝”。 [[[[[[[--Yu Qian“除了太原之夜很冷”
84,醉后醒来。 -张宪《天上的仙子,水,数字,声音,酒》。
85,手中的绿蜻蜓,白雪荡荡的弦。 -陈洪松《佛陀菩萨》
86,昨天,风未吹,今晚,光明如往。 -白居易“ 8月15日晚,凉亭,赏月”
87,愁与西风要约好,每年去青旗。 -史达祖《临江县·闺思》
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