



The last time is up.


Next life, but also to do the students.


This summer is a graduation season.


The graduation bell rings, we graduated.


University period is best to talk about a love.


Blow up the school is not graduating from children's dream.


Maybe a turn, really is the parting forever.


Every one of you is in my heart, deeply engraved traces.


Looking at the classmates you write to me, I am happy to shed tears.


Come also in a hurry, go to also in a hurry, from the end of a thousand, looking forward to a reunion.


For four years, never abandon, stand together through storm and stress for four years, thank you.


In those years, we packed into a photo with a complicated emotion - graduation photo.


The days we fought together, the day we run together, is the most memorable.


The duty is to have the courage to explore the truth, struggle for truth is the greatest pleasure in life.


When I graduate, I will keep a cat named wholesale to accompany me when I'm alone.


When I graduated, I have been looking for a long time, and finally found, I hope to help you.


Graduate, will miss our first day of self introduction, our military training, our......


After graduation, we agreed not to cry, but tears are not obedient farewell dinner on the day of the flow out.


Graduation day, give the students a pure embrace, because may never see the future.


Our teacher of graduation papers also did not say can make an appointment or the classroom of those people.


I ask you to drink a cup of water home, you go through the world, don't forget the hometown in chest.


Outside the boat sent 10000 kinds of martial arts, the situation by the water. The moon tonight where Bo, Tianya look very worried.


After graduation, friends Gebendongxi, began to learn their props up the warm life.


When you don't care, in my mind the fluctuation of far-reaching sound, like the fragrance exudes a quiet orchid.


That season, I sent a friend to leave quietly path extension forward, occasionally there Taiyangyu float up.


In the days to come, I wish you to fly in the sky in the future, the highest peak of knowledge.


From the other, memories meet. A few our dreams and mr.. Tonight, the silver cylinder, still fear it is a dream.


This June. Like the campus, like the students, like the teacher. The summer is going to wave to them.


When parting opened the curtain, when the memory of sleeping in the chest, to say goodbye really very sad, only the dream is still sweet.


Let me like an innocent child, standing there, under the moonlight, see you bright background on the far away.


My problem is how to say goodbye, always in a calm mood like ice and fire warm to you.


Young lazy, nightmare in an ambush in the loss of youth, like the open wound inflammation and ulceration burst.


The time we spend in love grows wings, and when we are apart, they are the pillars of our spirit.


I am afraid of graduation, writing on the blackboard every day countdown are sad, don't forget our graduate class bit good?


Today, we are close to the students; tomorrow, we will be competitors, would like to friendship in the competition even more profound.


Parting of the tears, for the long river of memory to add a new spray; parting blessing, for once again together began a prelude.


For more than three years after the study, you will be able to live a big four pigs, in order to laugh at the end, please study hard.


Graduated, do not want to say goodbye! Really do not want to! Graduate, how should we say goodbye to the three years of the life of the school?


I used a sack of money to the University, for a sack of books. Graduate, with these books change, but can not afford to buy a sack.


A beauty in class, beautiful and independent, a group of two Gu Gu full tilt, tilt the tilt and tilt of the class I group, has graduated.


Many think we'll never forget the things, as we remember days, we were forgotten.


Leave a little regret, but not disappointed; is a bit sorry, but not pessimistic. Because we have the hope of meeting in comfort.


Graduated, remember we used to journalism to strive for every opportunity, even signed it?


Neither turn back, why not forget? Since there is no reason, how to pledge today all kinds of? Water marks, tomorrow evening, no stranger.


I like classes, but I hate listening. I hope there is no holiday, no graduation, no teacher, the school is our world


Leaves the left is the amorous wind or the tree does not detain you; my school life is urgent, or youth does not stop.


Continue to cut four years study rain, stop the wind relative to talk, pull together in times of trouble, tears fall silent. A pure and noble character, the tenderness.


Poly is not the beginning, is not the end of the school, the number of students to set the number of wonderful moments, will be forever engraved in my memory.


To know you is my joy, to leave you is my pain. For the upcoming departure, support for me is looking forward to the reunion. 


Graduate, but we will meet again. Time flies away, leaving a lifetime of memories. Let us stride forward.


Want to say a lot of. But this time, such occasions, can leave you, only my silent prayer: treasure ah, friend!


From black June to black July, it seems that it is the fate of each person in the choice, but life is not a result of the success of the day and the color of the day.


Today is the third day of the graduation ceremony, would like to say goodbye to him in the past, and then think about it, he graduated from the future also how to see.


Waved goodbye, sails, forget not friends, you throw the friendship of the cable, virtually firmly departmentin my heart.


In the twilight to you deeply bow, please treasure for me. Although they said, I am a pauper, in your eyes clearly written my rich.


Sail boat in the port of youth, we temporarily break up, full of ideals and the pursuit of. When will you meet again? Will be in the harvest time!


University is like the school gate of the bus, take the car, go back, it is also the beginning of a semester; get on the car, went to the back, on the graduation.


The wind is transparent, the rain is ticking, the cloud is flowing, the song is free, love is the heart, love is crazy, the day is eternal, you are unforgettable.


Friends, do you like the stars? If one day you feel lonely far away from home, look up at the stars in the sky, where there is a star for luck that I've given you.


Changed, everything changed, no longer simply, no longer naive, no longer funny, not slapstick, have changed, it is best not to cry, not laugh, it was quiet.


Year students, a total of the sun; more than one thousand days, and wrote a number of friendship chapter? May the passing of the years, have turned into a good memory. Always stay in the heart.


Silent sky, each star have its own trajectory, let us find their best position in life, in the eyes of the world may become harmony and peace.


You like Yukiho exhibit at the beginning of one leaf, there will be more vast sea journey towards, please you with our expectations and wishes, your future is nota dream.


I hope that in a year, when we meet can smile, together for several years, you bring me much happiness. Once unhappy, we all forget it.


Open this page of the beautiful and the mood, we will always remember. Young happy and proud, dreams and love of youth, are fixed warm in the years ahead.


So, four years of dream, we must bid farewell to an end. The trumpet will be taken to our campuses. Hope that in the future life on the road we can all be smooth sailing.



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